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How do you say God created the world? - Prayer from Atmarpanastuti of Appayya Dikshitar

Prayer from Atmarpanastuti of Appayya Dikshitar

Prayer of the Day

Prayer in Sanskrit 


क्षित्यादीनामवयववतां निश्चितं जन्म तावत्
    तन्नास्त्येव क्वचन कलितं कर्त्रधिष्टानहीनम् ।
नाधिष्टातुं प्रभवति जडो नाप्यनीशश्चभाव-
    स्तस्मादाद्यत्वमसि जगतां नाथ जाने विधाता ॥ २ ॥

Shloka as Romanized text


kShityAdInAmavayavavatAM nishcitaM janma tAvat
    tannAstyeva kvachana kalitaM kartradhiShTAnahInam |
nAdhiShTAtuM prabhavati jaDo nApyanIshashchabhAva-
    stasmAdAdyatvamasi jagatAM nAtha jAne vidhAtA || 2 ||

(kShityAdInAM avayavavatAM nishcitaM janma tAvat
    tannAstyeva kvachana kalitaM kartRu adhiShTana hInam | 
na adhiShTAtuM prabhavati jaDo na api anIshashcha bhavaH
    tasmAt Adya tvamasi jagatAM nAtha jAne vidhAtA ||)

Meaning of the Prayer Song:

The various things starting with earth for sure should have had an origin.
That origin also cannot have come into existence without a base or originator.
That origin cannot be an inanimate/unintelligent being; nor can it be one without lordship.
Hence, Oh Lord! I realize that You are the one earlier to and creator of the world!


1. kShit - earth; kartRu - maker; adhiShTana - base;
jaDa - inanimate; vidhAtA - creator
2. The Hindu philosophies in general analyze the 
relationship between three things:
i) Lifeless things - earth ....
ii) souls who live - plants to human to super-intelligent beings
and iii) God.
Lifeless things cannot "create" others. So the first of the three
cannot be the creator.
Even if it has life/intelligence unless that intelligent being
also has lordship over the system It cannot create.
So given that the souls only evolve in the system, but
have not created the system itself, nor can they be the creator.
Hence it is God, Who is neither lifeless thing nor a soul,
but an intelligent super being that does not go through
evolution is the creator.
See Also:

1. Complete Atmarpana stuti with music


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