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God Shiva is the Master of both Worldly and Liberated Lives!

Prayer of the Day

Prayer from Rig Veda

ऋषि    :    नारायण 
दॆवता    :    पुरुषः
छन्दस्    :    अनुष्टुप्

पुरु॑ष ए॒वॆदं सर्वं॒ यद्भू॒तं यच्च॒ भव्य॑म् ।
उ॒तामृ॑त॒त्वस्यॆशा॑नॊ॒ यदन्नॆ॑नाति॒रॊह॑ति ॥ १०.९०.२ ॥

Mantra as Romanized text

RuShi    :    Narayana
Aspect Hailed:    Purusha
Chandas    :    Anushtup


puruSha evEdaM sarvaM yadbhUtaM yachcha bhavyam |
utAmRutatvasyEshAnO yadannEnAtirOhati || 10.90.2 ||

( puruSha eva idaM sarvaM yat bhUtaM yaH cha bhavyam |
uta amRutatvasya IshAnO yat annEna ati rOhati ||  )


Meaning of the Prayer Mantra:

 All these are indeed that Being - all that existed and that would exist!
He is the Lord of eternity, and also of everything that grows by food!


1. rohati - grows.

2.  puruSha eva idaM sarvaM 
All these are indeed God.
This mantra also emphasizes the omnipresence of the God. 
Lord Shiva is in everything and everyone that existed and that are going to exist!
Since, Lord Shiva is in everything, it is said that all these are indeed God.
The same concept is echoed in ईशावास्यं इदóè सर्वं यत्किञ्च जगत्यां जगत् 

மரத்தை மறைத்தது மாமத யானை
மரத்தின் மறைந்தது மாமத யானை
பரத்தை மறைத்தது பார் முதல் பூதம்
பரத்தின் மறைந்தது பார் முதல் பூதமே

3.  uta amRutatvasya IshAnO yat annEna ati rOhati 
He is the Lord of those who attained Amruta (liberation/bliss) and also of
those who survive by eating (the lives that have not yet reached liberation)

As long as we are in the worldly wandering we require the food to eat and nurture.
For the liberated, it the Bliss or Amruta from the Lord is the only feeder.

Lord Shiva is eternally the Master of the lives - whether they are in wanderings of
the world or in the supreme liberated state. God provides them the growth and nurturing
in the worldly wandering (புல்லுயிர்க்கும் பூட்சி புணர்த்தாய் போற்றி)
as well the Bliss to those who are in the liberated state (அற்றவர்க்கு அற்ற சிவன் ).
Hence Lord Shiva is the eternal Companion and Master of us!

கல்லினால் எறிந்து கஞ்சி தாமுணுஞ் சாக்கியனார் 
நெல்லினார் சோறுணாமே நீள்விசும்பாள வைத்தார் - அப்பர்

4. The second lines of this and the following Rks are appearing swapped 
in Samaveda.

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