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God is Inherently Powerful

Prayer of the Day

Prayer from Rig Veda

इ॒मा रु॒द्राय॑ स्थि॒रध॑न्वनॆ॒ गिर॑ः क्षि॒प्रॆष॑वॆ दॆ॒वाय॑ स्व॒धाव्नॆ॑ ।
अषा॑ळ्हाय॒ सह॑मानाय वॆ॒धसॆ॑ ति॒ग्मायु॑धाय भरता शृ॒णॊतु॑ नः ॥ ७.४६.१ ॥

Mantra as Romanized text


imA rudrAya sthiradhanvanE giraH kShiprEShavE dEvAya svadhAvnE |
aShALhAya sahamAnAya vEdhasE tigmAyudhAya bharatA shRuNOtu naH || 7.46.1 ||

(imA rudrAya sthiradhanvanE giraH kShiprEShavE dEvAya svadhAvnE |
aShALhAya sahamAnAya vEdhasE tigmAyudhAya bharatA shRuNOtu naH || )


Meaning of the Prayer Mantra:

 May these eloquent praise be to Lord Rudra, One with firm bow,
with quick arrows, the Divine, Inherently powerful, Invincible,
Victorious, Creator, with sharp weapons.
May (He) hear us!


1. gira - speech; kShiprEshu - One who has quick arrows;
svadhAvnE - Having inherent power; aShaLhAya - invincible;
sahamAna - victorious; vedhas - creator; tigma - sharp; bharata - abundant.

2.  svadhAvnE 
Inherently powerful. This is associated with one of the eight characters
of God. The power of God is not bestowed by any, nor does it ever
leave God. God has the inherent power that is Supreme.

4.  aShALhAya sahamAnAya  
Invincible and Victorious.
God is both invincible as well as victorious.
He is Mrityunjaya as well as Kalakala.
First aspect His strength, the second is the
benefit to us - the seeker.
One who is not strong himself declaring to protect others
would be ridiculous. At the same time the strong who 
does not help others is of very little use.

3.  vEdhasE 
Creator or One who makes the system.

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