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Form of Knowledge!

Prayer of the Day

Prayer from Thiruvarutpayan (திருவருட்பயன்) 


அருவும் உருவும் அறிஞர்க்கு அறிவாம்
உருவம் உடையான் உளன்.    5

Song as Romanized text


aruvum uruvum aRinjarkku aRivAm
uruvam udaiyAn uLan.    5

Meaning of the Prayer Song:

 There is One Who has Formlessness, Form and 
Form of knowledge for the knower.


1. God is Formless (para shiva).
God assumes multiple forms (sada shiva, maheshwara)
So God is simultaneously with form and as well formless.
2. அறிஞர்க்கு அறிவாம் உருவம்
God is called "sath" (sath chit Anandam).
Those who seek to know It, see the God
as "sath", Form of pure knowledge!

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