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Can You See One God Everywhere? From Ishavasya upanishad

Prayer of the Day

Prayer from Isha Upanishad

यस्मिन् सर्वाणि भूतान्यात्मैवाभूद् विजानतः ।
तत्र को मॊहः कः शॊक एकत्वमनुपश्यतः ॥ ७ ॥

Hymn as Romanized text


yasmin sarvANi bhUtAnyAtmaivAbhUd vijAnataH |
tatra ko mOhaH kaH shOka ekatvamanupashyataH || 7 ||

(yasmin sarvANi bhUtAni Atma iva abhUd vijAnataH |
tatra ko mOhaH kaH shOka ekatvam anupashyataH || )


Meaning of the Prayer Hymn:

 Where in everything the presence of Essential Being is realized,
what desire can be there and what sorrow? The Oneness is seen!


1. Every living being that we see would consist of three components
body and internal instruments - pAsha; soul - pashu; God - pashu 
(referred here as Essential Being - Atman)
Most see the body. Some see the qualities of the soul;
Those who see the Supreme in every being, they are the people
who realize the vision that Shri Rudram depicts - seeing God in
everything. For the people of such realization how could there be
bounded affection and hate and hence sorrow.
They see everywhere only one thing - Lord Shiva.
All other things (pashu and pasha) are immaterial to them.
2. c.f. Wood or Elephant? - It is your perception


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