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Bestow us with wealth and courage!

Prayer of the Day

Prayer from Rig Veda

अ॒स्मे सो॑म॒ श्रिय॒मधि॒ निधे॑हि श॒तस्य॑ नृ॒णाम्  ।
महि॒ श्रव॑स्तुविनृ॒म्णम् ॥

Mantra as Romanized text


asme soma shriyamadhi nidhehi shatasya nRuNAm |
mahi shravastuvinRumNam ||


Meaning of the Prayer Mantra:


Oh Soma! Bestow us, the people, well with stable wealth
and with flowing courage!


1. Soma - soma aspect of God - associated with Grace.
2. shriyam adhi nidhehi shatasya 
Stable and good amount of wealth.
(Vedas seek all the four puruSharthas - dharma, artha, kAma & moksha
- which would make the life of the human fulfilled.)
3. nRumNam - courage
A key quality to be sought for any advancement - especially spiritiual.

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