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Hinduism Glossary of terms - T

Tamas One fo the constituents of Prakrti- the principle of inertia and delusion.
Tantrika follower of Tantra; pertaining to Tantra.
Tanmatra Lit. that only; the primary elements of perception; the general elements of the particulars of sense-perception, viz. sabda, sparsa, rupa, rasa, gandha
Tantra A scripture in general; Science of the cosmic spiritual forces, revealed work.
Tanu Animal Body.
Tanuta becoming gradually less; reduction; a state of subtleness.
Tapas Sariya, Kriya and Yoga ; Religious and ascetic practices ; Devotion.
Tapoloka Heavens ; conditions or states of the Souls undergoing rest after death, the condition being pleasurable.
Tarka sastra Logic and dialectics
Tatparam Supreme Lord ; Lord of all.
Tattva fact, philosophy ; Thatnesss; principle; reality; the very being of a thing;
Tattva-traya The three tattvas, viz; Nara, Sakti and Siva or Atma, Vidya and Siva
Tatpurusa One of the five aspects of Siva
Tatvas Component parts of the body and Soul.
TEgAnmavAdi Materialist ; those who deny the existence of a mind and Soul.
thamiz One of the very old language spoken in the southern most state of India, called Tamilnadu
thirumuRai The hymns composed by the famous thamiz shaivite devotees during the first millenium. Highly adored text of thamiz shaivites
Thuriya avastha State of the Soul breathing in bodies, in which consciousness is not yet developed.
Thripadartha The three entities, postulated by Saivas,and Vaishnavas.
tIrtha holy water
Tirodhana sakti Power that obscures Reality
Trika The system of philosophy of the tirad- Nara, Sakti and Siva or (1) Para,, the highest, concerned with identity (2) parapara, identity in difference, and (3) apara, difference and sense of difference.
Trika (para) Prakasa, Vimarsa and their samarasya
Trika (parapara) Iccha, Jnana and Kriya
trimUrti The Hindu holy trinity - brahma, viShNu, rudra - involved in creation, sustainance and destruction
trishUla trident
Turiya or Turya The fourth state of consciousness beyond the states of waking, dreaming and deep sleep and stringing together all the states; the Metaphysical Consciousness distinct from the psychological or empirical self; the Saksi or witnessing consciousness; the transcendental Self.
Thunai kArana or Sahakari kArana Instrumental cause.
Turyatita The state of consciousness transcending the turiya, the state in which the distinction of the three, viz; waking, dreaming and deep sleep states is annulled; that pure blissful consciousness in which there is no sense of difference, in which the entire universe appears as the Self.
Thuriyathithum The state of the Soul in its original, unevolved and undeveloped state.

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